Good morning Louise πŸ™ πŸŒ„, wow wow wow, oh what lovely 😍 words beginning of a new day ,new beginning s old an d new combined ,you are a true inspiration πŸ’– I loved the letters this morning πŸŒ„ xxx have a wonderful day

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Well Louise it's 6.45am I'm sitting having my peaceful cuppa tea before the madness of the day starts.

I couldn't believe when I saw the topic today...Begin again....Niamh moved back home on Friday after 10 years living in London πŸ₯° herself and partner Ciaran are now fully moved in with us.....they start new jobs today. We had the conversation last night how we would all start our year on 1st February...healthy eating, excersice, gym etc etc......We all had a busy December especially the lads they were in New Zealand with us then packed up to move.

Louise when I was in the choir we sang a song "Beginning Today " by the Damens ...I just listened to it and it's so apt.

..(I didn't know how to send you linkπŸ˜…)

I did read your last subspace but still want to listen to it when I am able to sit or walk on my own to take it all in.

Thanks Louise, you are just great.

Mind yourself, we will all help you through ❀

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Yet again you nailed it Louise , your sub stack is full of enthusiasm and great expectations!! Putting things into perspective in your life for the new year ahead beginning on the 1st. February, St.Brigid’s Feast day gives me a bit more time also to reflect, plan and prepare for new beginnings. Keep looking up Louise and thank you for being the best you can be to all your sub stack / FB family and friends, me being one of them, love you lots πŸ¦‹πŸŒˆβ˜˜οΈπŸžπŸ’šπŸ™

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

I loved this louise. So many nuggets in it. Really set me up for a good positive day of living in gratitude. Thank you xxx

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As someone who takes winter solstice until January 1 to live β€œoutside of time,” I totally get and love this. It’s puzzling to me that the new year seems such an arbitrary day! It’s not the day after solstice; it’s not Imbolc. It’s just there. Anyway, here’s to making the start what you want and need, Lou!πŸ’–

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Hi Louise, how are you today? Just finished reading and I am with you all the way on this one. I think I have been hibernating to a large extent at this time and this month, for a few years but I had not put a name to my activity (or should I say lack of activity!) It is even more pronounced this winter as it is the first one without Mam who is missed beyond words. I am surely looking forward to Feb. God willing it will bring brighter days. I wont go on too much more as I don't want to take up too much of your time but as usual thanks so much. That is my "therapy" for today! Lots of love and blessings for the week ahead. Martina

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Hi lou great words, as always. Good positive start to the day to get us all going not long left of dark long old January, please god February good start for us all god bless πŸ™ keep looking up xx

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I love that you start your new year in February!! I seem to have two new years haha- I have one in September where I set intentions for the year ahead- a bit like New Year’s resolutions I guess. And then I also have my new year at the start of February which is when my birthday is and I tend to do a little life review then of how it’s going. I really don’t enjoy January and I feel a tension about how we’ve been conditioned as a society to all start new things at the same time, the subconscious competition state! Thanks for the positivity πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ§‘

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Beautiful uplifting words, thank you Lou

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

I’m definitely joining you in beginning the year on Feb 1. January always feels like a bit of a recovery period and a time to reflect and form ideas ever so slowly.

Also, this is the first I’ve heard of St. Brigid. Sounds like it’s about time she has an official day set aside for her! I’m going to read up on her. Thank you for the intro.

And I love the reason for your obsession with weather. How lovely that you feel all the seasons and the changes. It sounds magical. We here in Los Angeles are weather obsessed as well, but for the opposite reason. We’ve not truly experienced seasons and I think weather makes us nervous. πŸ˜‚

Sending you love on this last week of the year! Xx

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super words and super hope for us all. Thanks Lou, look forward to hearing more about your St Brigid's celebrations xx

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Aw lou ✨️πŸ₯°πŸ¦‹πŸŒΉthank you yes your words always lift me up , yes meand Olivia will look forward too see you in naas of course would love to join you gor dinner whichever arrangement s suits ,yes soo excited can't wait too see you, and listen to grand Nancy's legacy xx an angel πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°take care love always lou xxx

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Love to you, Lou. I am so with you on this, this year! Thanks for introducing me to it. January was a slow month where I got to extend my relaxing, tying up lose ends, spending quality time and resting to get my energy back. February I get to enjoy the rewards of all of that and jump in. Can't thank you enough xoxo

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I love serendipity! This post is the 4th time I’ve read or heard about starting the energetic year in February. It makes so much sense to me particularly as I now live in the northern hemisphere now and mid-winter just doesn’t feel the right time to launch myself into new things. I’ve also spent this December & January reflecting and setting intentions instead of limiting myself to the calendar year and I feel so much better for it. I’m easing myself in, matching the seasons more, listening to my body (not always understanding what it’s telling me!) , being kind to myself. I’ll be happy to join you in beginning again on Feb 1st! πŸ’•βœ¨

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Hello Lou, I'm from Millbury Massachusetts, a small town in the central part of this state of the USA, much like your town centrally located. What is synchronous is that the Catholic Church in Millbury is St. Bridgets. Being that she was a patron for poetry I will share the first lines of my new poem from my upcoming post "Sabotage." I'm writing about trying to avoid the stinking thinking that leads to self fulfilling prophecies.

"Sabotaged by my nightmare of rejection,

I Identify when self criticism appears,

Instead of acting out from the false deduction,

I separate myself from the fears."

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Louise Coghlan

Good morning Louise just read your subtract it is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful start to the weak. Always enjoy reading your letters and your words just come from your heart and the love you have for your family and friends. Have a wonderful week

It was my late brother birthday yesterday he ment the world to me miss him so much

Your friend Rose 🌹

Facebook family we will support you all the way

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