Living and Laughing with Lou
Living and Laughing with Lou
107 year old Granny Nancy

107 year old Granny Nancy

107 year old Granny Nancy is one very special human being and Lou counts herself doubly blessed to not only know this lady but to also live with her. Granny Nancy was born on the 16th of October 1913 & is the oldest lady in Ireland living in her own home. In this episode, Lou brings you inside their magical space that they both share & in a lovely relaxed manner, within seconds, you will feel like you too are sitting on the couch beside them drinking tea. A big thanks to Luan Parle for her beautiful music that sits both sides of this episode. Lou hopes you enjoy what you hear and sends lots of love and light from herself and Granny Nancy to you and your family & don’t forget, no matter what, tea always is the answer. Oh...and a good hearty laugh as well! Granny Nancy is the reminder that no matter what, we will come through this hard time!

Living and Laughing with Lou
Living and Laughing with Lou
‘Living and Laughing with Lou’ is a podcast with Lou in the driving seat and you as her company. Lou is driving a bus by the way so there’s loads of room for everyone& the main aim is to have fun,chats & to keep each other company on this journey called life. Lou lives with her 107 year old grandmother, famously known as ‘Granny Nancy’ across the world & loves every fibre of her being. Granny is her first guest & is Lou’s inspiration for living & laughing through this pandemic. She hopes you enjoy listening in on their life together. Join Lou on